Artificial Intelligence

>>> Publishing?

Annoyance of the Day:
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I had to add another entry today, my friend just IMed me and got me thinking.

See he's the man I was helping with a book he wanted published, he finally got it published through a small company ... anyway we trade writing tips and he used to live here in NW Indiana and moved. He's the one who so wants me to move because he says this place is a joy sucker, hateful place.

Anyway, tonight we were talking about my short story because he says the market has dropped for short stories. So he tells me..."It's time..." HUH? I say. "It's time you write a book, Jen."

I sat there and thought, well DUH. I've been wanting to, but it's so...intimidating! I mean it's easy to say, but man the work, the months and months of preparation!

What of the topic? Subject!? Should I do essays ... what would be the topic? Should I write a full length novel with characters and a plot?

My thoughts are I would have to write on weight loss, being fat and probably being a girl.

Oh I don't know, I'm buying Emra Brombeck's books, I've been told by a lot of people that's how I write. I want to see her techiques. But does the world really need another sarcastic girl writing on things that are screwed up? Do we need a novel on a fat girl's like those books based on a fairy tale or other novel...ala' Bridget Jones is a play on Pride and the Pred...oh hm....what is a good tale that isn't played out.

Oh humm why the hell not, I have so much fucking time, why not write my heart out. Just need...a plot, plan, idea, outline....I'll think about it. I really like this guy, he really pushes me, he knows I can write and believes in me, I appreciate that very much. He makes it sound so easy....

posted by Jennifer @ 10:44 p.m. on 2002-02-06
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