Artificial Intelligence


Annoyance of the Day:
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I got really pissed off last night and wrote a lenghty diary and then the web page DIED thanks to shitty AOL ... but I think it was a good thing because I was in a bad mood and angry at my family and STUFF, not very good reading to anyone, not even myself. Stop the hate Jenny!

OKAY so today, this lady at work PISSED ME OFF. Each day she says GOD YOU ARE ONLY HERE AN HOUR THEN LEAVE, how do you get your hours in? How do you make money? Fucking old BITCH. SHUT THE FUCK UP. Today I said, WELL, I begin at 9 and drive to 3 different police stations, that's why I come in at noon and type up the briefs, finish then fucking LEAVE. That bitch is going to get me in trouble with her big fucking mouth and my boss listening. I so hate her, I want to say MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS you fucking hag. But then I don't want enemies, especially OLD people who've worked there for years, you know they can put a bug in someone's ear and the next thing you know, you're fired. I kept praying to get that reporting job there, then demand to be MOVED to a different desk to get away from that old cunt. I hated her when I internshiped and I STILL can't stand her. She's the one who rolled her eyes and said "Oh God", like I was shit on her shoe when I said I didn't like beauty contests. I hate people like that. She makes me dread coming into work, when she was on vacation for a week, it was like heaven. Bitch.

Oh well, other than that irration, everything is just kind of going ... I keep waiting to hear ANYTHING from the places I turned in my resumes to. I mean even a reject letter would be fine. I'm started to second guess myself with ...ooh what if...I don't have enough experience? Have a typo on my resume? What if they read it, then threw it in the trash laughing? TSK TSK TSK, I shouldn't think like this, but it does start to wear on my mind when I realize that I might be in the same place I am now this time next year. I don't know how I'll handle that. By then I'll probably knock that old bitches head off.

Oh welllll, I've been feeling a bit artistic lately, like I've been making up little poems in my head, I should write them down. Plus yesterday I dug out my fitness ball and blew it up while talking on the phone. I figured, fuck, if I have to start lifting weights, I can use this ball as a weight bench since those are expensive and I'm poor.

Ugg my boss just called and asked about a brief I wrote, I feel like a fucking idiot sometimes. I mean I know in my mind that I should add something to a brief, know he'd ask me, then I think well, I can get away with it. Duh Jen. Duh Jen. Duh Jen. You can't get away with anything anymore. Just face it and then it'll all go away ... :)

posted by Jennifer @ 2:11 p.m. on 2002-02-04
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