Artificial Intelligence

>>> Lazy Day, Crazy Day

Annoyance of the Day:
Listening to:

Ugg my horoscope tells me to stay away from my family/friends today because there is a potential for a fight. I can feel this, with overcast skies and cranky parents, yes, I will be in my room quite a bit today I believe....

I am such a gamer, I swear, I am a loser. I stayed up last night to play this computer game I've had, but haven't had much time to play. I like to play Tomb Raider, but that's it, but then I brought this other game, which I couldn't play before because of that diet pill fucking with my head, but now I CAN play it w/o feeling like I'm going to barf! :) Hooray, I think?

Oh well, last night I hung out w/ my friend Max aka Pookie. We went and looked at turtles because I want to get one, went to dinner, drove to Starbucks (20 min drive), drove to play pool, but it was to busy, came to my house. We ragged at how we are very pathetic, that on Friday nights we are most of the time sitting at home on AOL or watching TV and even when we do go out, it's nothing great, just same ol' Indiana, nothing to do, but eat, and play pool. No wonder we're all fat out here. It was fun, though I nearly got in an accident in Illinois, to which Pookie screamed ASS HOLE out my window, ahh the region life, ain't nothin' like it.

Oh well, my nails are just beginning to re-grow after the fake nails. Lord, they look pretty bad right now, all spliting and so thin. The real nail, healthy nail, is growing out, so it makes my nails look bumpy. Ugg, I used to have such strong nails. I did like the fake ones, but man, that's expensive for someone like me, that's $20 every two weeks, not to mention more if I want a french manicure, or god forbid if I broke one, that's $4 a nail for repairs. THAT'S TO MUCH for a part time girl.

My dad did my tax's today, I'm getting like $400 back, which is pretty nice, that's a car payment. Ooh ahhh.

Oh well, I was looking at weight benches and found a cool one on the net, it's $77 on sale and $65 dollars just to ship...$144. God damn, that shipping kills you. I think I might go check some stores around here...they must have them, but that $77 one was on sale, and had a pull bar...ugg. I'm starting my "body for life" program, soon, after I read the book, or maybe when I get the shakes I I don't want to poo poo this, just yet, I'll give it a chance, I feel I'm doing better, if I don't eat all that well with this program (it's hard to eat 6 times a day for me) at least the new exercise routine will help some. I just get the feeling, that being skinny gets you places faster in life....


posted by Jennifer @ 11:35 a.m. on 2002-02-02
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