Artificial Intelligence

>>> Rice and cheese .... ewww healthy food = no taste buds

Annoyance of the Day:
Listening to:

Ooh it snowed and snowed and snowed. Now it's melting and raining, and if this freezes, I don't know what in the world will happen, I think life here will stop since of all the puddles I went through today.

Oh well, I made this rice mac and cheese today that I bought in the healthy section of the store, it tastes...ew...bland. I had to add some salt just to pull out a taste. It's okay, but I wouldn't buy it again. I also bought some couscous to make later on.

I also am VERY happy, the paper where I work is looking for a general reporter. I've been waiting for this, for so long. It's an intra-office hiring, so I am definately going to try out for it. I nearly screamed in joy when I got the e-mail/job posting. So I'm setting up my resume, to which one of my stories was just published yesterday. It seems like ever since I got back, I've made a few strides towards my goal, as if people are realizing I want to write stories. It felt good.

Plus I ordered the Body for Life book, the shakes and some bars ... and I'm going to get some more pills -- ala' nothing in them that will make my heart race, I am never taking Epherine or whatever it's called again. Plus I'm thinking of starting to exercise 20 mins in the morning, or so I read, it burns fat more when you work out on the mornings empty tummy. I could do this, try once more to run on the treadmill, 20 mins is NOT that much time. Plus I need to begin lifting weights. I dont' know, I feel good lately, like damn it Jen you can lose weight when you set your mind to it. Plus I've been trying to use the technique my friend taught me to think of bad things when I want to over-eat or eat something badly, I think of something painful that happend to me in the past because of my weight. So then I will associate that feeling to bad food, like fast food. I did this yesterday and it worked, I couldn't believe it ... it worked. I went and bought all sorts of healthy food for me, and I read on message boards the evils of POP and I said, hell I shall not be drinking pop now w/o thinking of those message board posts.

Oh well, is my tide finally turning?

I kept thinking of my friend Jo today, I so was infatuated with him, though I've never met him, we met on the net and he called me and we talked on the phone. He lives in the south, and in my mind, he is the ideal man. I would never meet him, due to my weight, and I began to think today if I did lose weight, would I meet him then? Hell yes, it's a dream of mine, and maybe a tool in my weight loss goals. I know it probably wouldn't even matter if I were fat or thin to him...but it does to me...oh it means so much to me. I think that's why I liked that book Jemima J. because she did that, she was fat, met a guy on the net, lost weight and met him, though she left him, still, what an awesome dream to meet someone w/o seeing that look of...oh she's fat...look. Or oh shit, how do I get out of this...ugg...

So anyway, I'm going to go hop on the treadmill and walk my cares away, then get my resume and clipping ready for tomorrow, hoping that I at least get an interview, hell I've almost enough experience, though a bit more might of set me out more to the person. I just hope ... I just hope I get this job, it would mean oh so much to me right now.

posted by Jennifer @ 1:16 p.m. on 2002-01-31
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