Artificial Intelligence

>>> Grumpy Jenny strikes again.

Annoyance of the Day:
Listening to:

UGH. Why is it when I want to publish my web pages, the server is down? My pages are screwed up due to a dead server that died in the middle of the upload, so now I look like a freakish web person who doesn't know what they're doing.

Oh well, I tried that new diet vitamin and felt jittery all day. I mean I was strung out. Now I'm grumpy. My parents can really piss the fuck out of me sometimes. I just want to scream.

I found two new jobs to try for. Another Orlando job and one in Dalesburg..ILL. 3 hours from here. I'm trying for the ILL. one. My parents found a job I could try for at my old college as a full time secretary. I was like...well that's cool, but I didn't get a degree just to answer phones. I don't know, I'll see what happens, though full time and a chance to get my masters for 1/2 the price seems nice. I really hate being in this limbo.

Which is why I'm grumpy as hell still. My nail broke today too, nasty break and I peeled off the acrylic. I'm getting my fake nails taken off because I'm tired of worrying about them, and then having them break, then paying $20 every two weeks, I'd rather save that money on my new weight loss hobby. I might get them back one day, my nails -- but who knows. I like how my hands look now with short nails. They look so much smaller, and I can care for them easily. So this week I'll have them taken off, which is very very painful. My nail bed will be bruised from them scrapping off the acrylic. Last time I had them taken off, I cried on the way home, it feels like each finger was slammed in a door.

Oh well, grumpy Jen, grumpy Jen wonders when it will end. Her parents piss her off, she feels fat and has a part time job she hates.

I have a bad attitude.

posted by Jennifer @ 5:01 p.m. on 2002-01-07
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