Artificial Intelligence

>>> Hopeless Jenny

Annoyance of the Day:
Listening to:

Ugg graduation is gone and now it's just part time SHIT work with no prospects of full time work ANYWHERE.

Bitch bitch bitch JENNY.

The Orlando job fell through, they have the positions filled and *neglected* to take that off their web site. *Oopps!* After I priority mailed it fucking down there, what a waste of MY TIME.

My Indy job is still floating, I don't know if I have an interview. I haven't heard shit. Plus the lady was a major bitch to me on the phone. So fuck them, fuck em' all!

Okay, so my hobby now is losing weight. I have a friend who's helping me on the net, he's a personal training type and I am getting on some vitamins that will help me along. Plus he pushes me a lot and I need this.

I feel sick still. I always get sick for X-mas!

Oh well, I feel lonely and fat, like I do each year and I wonder how I will face another Jan. 1 resolution that will be the same, and as I say to myself that I will change this year and next year will be different, I find that is something that hasn't changed either. Sometimes, I mean really, sometimes I seriously hate myself and am disgusted and dissapointed.

Let's be positive Jenny.

posted by Jennifer @ 11:54 p.m. on 2001-12-22
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