Artificial Intelligence

>>> Just the "fats" ma'am

Annoyance of the Day:
Listening to:

I think I just nearly dislocated my jaw and I just smacked my head with my hand really hard. See I just wrote about 4 paragraphs full of diary goodness and I get fucking booted. I hate my computer or AOL or both. It seems each time I type in there, when I'm almost done, I get booted. Maybe it's Murphy's Law.

Oh well...maybe I can sum up what I was saying? Okay: Bitch bitch bitch. Tee-hee. That's what Diaries are for right. To bitch and moan and somehow by writing come to a conclusion or just let it out.

Okay, I was saying my family is driving me nuts, my Mom crying over fucking Dr. PHIL on God damn Oprah. Fucking OPRAH. She thinks I'm a "taker" and she's a "giver." YEAH, what the hell does that mean!?!?

Then the dog starts coughing as I'm playing with him, and she starts crying and acts like I did it. Call fucking PETA already.

It's been that loony around here today!

BUT good news is that I am writing an article for the paper -- only because I asked to, and because it's a follow up article to my internship article I wrote. So, it's just a one time thing, they still want to keep their slimy thumb on me and keep me from rising. My Mom thinks it's because they think I'm trying to climb the ladder to fast, which is probably true. I can't help it, I'm ambitious.

Then I called that Indy company and they want me to call Friday. They told me, "I will help you get your first editing job with *****" It kinda sounds like I HAVE that job. But they say is so weird, like ooh you're FIRST real job....oooh ahhh. So that's good because I want out of here.

I've been looking at apartments. I'm not sure what's a good price. I mean I see $400 dollar shit ones, that my friend told me are probably in bad parts of town, to $700 dollar ones, that are nice. I keep looking at these few that are like $634 to $715, I think it depends on how much I make, but hell I'm not going down if I don't make a lot. ANYWAY, I LOVE this one apt. it has a fireplace, washer/dryer IN the apt. and high speed Internet access. That's what I'm talkin' about!!!! :)))

I figured, fuck if I DO move down there and my sis won't let me take her laptop to use as a computer, then I'll just BUY one from like Sam's Club or something. But I'll have to raise the limit on my credit card -- see my limit is $600 dollars, it has been since I can remember, I just never needed it raised since I don't use it all that much, but I will if I move probably. I can't help it, I need my computer, I need my Internet, I have web pages! Plus I need to talk to friends since I know I will be lonely.

It's kinda hard to going from living with people all your life to living on your own and having to care for merely yourself and not have someone else care for you. I think I'd have to take a hint from girly and adopt a kitten or some sort of pet. I mean that's awfully lonely even for me! Just something to come home to would be nice. Aw, two kittens, or maybe one. I've never owned a cat before.

Ohh anyway, I'm also going to start or should I say STOP naming people in these, I don't think I have before, but I need to start. I was doing a Internet search and I just typed in my screen name for the hell of it, and blamo this diary page came up! Fuck I said to myself. I want this page HIDDEN from my friends and family. I mean this is just a place for me and complete strangers to read, not those who I talk about freely on here. They might...would be mad probably, I've secrets on here that I said I wouldn't tell...eeep.

OKAY WEIGHT LOSS is going funky. I mean I did super good the week before last, then I fucked up and barely exercised at all last week. I did today, but it's not the same. Like right now I should be doing my exercise tape, but I just don't feel like it. I have horrible PMS and I feel sore/achy. I feel 100 years old today, everything HURTS on my body.

OKAY Ummm soo this is my last week of school, thank you GOD I've been waiting for this time since I STARTED school. I've just to take TWO finals and turn in my final paper for my class. I know I'll pass, but I'm worried about my one class because the final seems like it'll be hard. It's one of those comprehensive ones and it'll be from the quizzes we've had. Man alive I can't remember all that!!

Jesus Christ some of those quizzes were like memorization of DATES. Please mother fucker how can I remember all those fucking dates and percentages!?!??! It's a 150 question quiz. He can bite my ass. All I ask for is a C, I can't get a D or else...God minor in Journalism?? I don't know if it's that dire a grade to me -- but I have two papers that I got flawlessly 100% that should help me and my quest for a C. Umm hmm.

Oh and here I am fucking around with another guy's ego/heart. I mean I tell this dude YEAH I'll hang out w/ you Friday. Am I? NO. Why? He's boring as hell. I know him from school, then he found me on the net...and I just want to say, dude you know I'm fat right?? But that doesn't matter, because he's truly the most boring and pitiful person I know. I mean NO personality and he's all about staying at home and watching TV? PLEASE!! NO THANKS I can do that on my OWN. He's called my cell phone twice and I haven't answered. I wish I could just tell people NO, I feel bad and think I will learn to become interested in them, but I don't. HMM plus he's skinny and I just don't dig that in guys.

Oh well whoever you are reading this, should go to my deliberations web page and see my new entry, it's pretty funny!!


posted by Jennifer @ 5:36 p.m. on 2001-12-04
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