Artificial Intelligence

>>> Shallow HAL

Annoyance of the Day:
Listening to:

OK I went against all my fatness to see Shallow Hal ... OMG...they said it's supposed to HELP people accept the overweight. PLEASE!

Okay so we learn that fat people eat a tremendous amount, when "Rosemary" orders a double cheese-burger, chili cheese fries and a large shake ... then she says, well whatever I eat my weight doesn't change, so why not eat what I want? PLEASE

Later on in the scene and a few more, she breaks chairs and even a booth. Yes, I know how many chairs I've broken. Yes all ZERO of them.

We see fat people dress in sleeveless shirts and mini skirts, wears bikini's and half cut tops. Yes, look at me everyone I'm morbidly obese.

FINALLY, all fat chicks have inner beauty, we are witty, funny and smart. Yes, only fat girls on, and the skinny girls are just shallow and money hungry and stupid. Skinny and fat girls should love this. (Though I know a few skinny girls about as smart as my wait he's smarter ... ala' the girl in my poetry class who didn't know who Chaucer or the Canterbury Tails were just AFTER we reading it ... HELL-FUCKING-OOoo!!!)

God, I am sitting in the theatre and OLD ass people I knew from elementary school are there, I just stared at this girls mother as she yells HELLO!! Loudly like I was a celebrity...I just looked at her, and then remembered who she was, she was there with her daughter, now fat (YES!!) who is getting married...bummer... SO I tell her my promotion and how I shall graduate in December. Ha ha you fucking bitch.

Anyway, as we are leaving the theater some kids are behind me...saying oh look there's one now, there she is...and the kid next to him says, Shut up, talking about people with her big boyfriend there. Yes, they were talking about either me or my sister and our football player large friend Vic. I STOPPED in such anger and turned around and gave my most sour look, the boys shut the fuck up and acted like the person was behind them, they ran into the bathroom. I am told I give the most filthest looks there is, ha shouldn've seen the boys looks...I can image them saying, damn fat girl got mad.... Oh well, I was kinda scared because if they would've said anything I think I would've either went off or just look away. None of them dared, so I thank my parents for this dirty look angry face they gave me.

Oh well, I have SUCH a headache today, I think it's allergies, we cleaned the house and I sneeze 50 times .. dusty!! Then I spent the day waiting for my mom to yell at me. See she thinks she can lose weight in 1 1/2 months...enough to drop a size. I say NO. She works out here and there and doesn't eat correct. I was like, Mom even I can't do that. I was like MAYBE you can have looser pants or something..I mean seriously. She wants to wait to buy stuff for our Disney trip until like December or something...I was like why not go now to buy a bit, on sale shit? Then she's like OH you just want to spend my money. I was like yeah that's what I want to do....bitch. Then later she's like where are you getting all this money to buy things...see I bought a exercise tape...yeah I know how that's going to break the bank. I hate when people get into my business like that! Makes me completely pissed off.

Oh well, I have ta do Taebo tomorrow or something, I skipped working out today because I just felt tired. I actually slept in to 10:30 today, I never do that, I am usually up by 9 or 8:30 ... ugk.

OH and this internet man is like e-mailing me, we talked before and I told him I was dating someone. So he's 36 and w/ a kid and wants to meet next Sunday. I'm like sure call me..but yet I'm totally like NO way....he's too old man...he isn't really good looking either. Man, why do I say YES when I really mean NO. I think because I don't want to hurt his feelings. Oh well, well see....I'll be rude and crude to get him Not... :)

FUCK I swear to GOD I want to start training for my promotion ...SHIT I'm SO TIRED of being a typist, I HATE it now, when I have people tell me to have this done by...whatever..I want to SCREAM and say FUCK OFF I don't do this ANYMORE. It's always on the tip of my tongue, so Monday I'm e=mailing my boss to say what's up man, when do I get trained, when do I fucking start you stupid snatch who should've told me this when she told me I got it! Can you say unprofessional!!?!?!?

Okay I will leave you with a fight me and sis had...see in the theatre she was bitching that no one likes her fuck man, and I'm like ya..and she's like well I won't marry him for a while, if even, I just will take a lot of time to....I mean years. So I said...then why didn't you wait to have sex then? I mean you're waiting for that stuff, why not ... you know. She started crying next to me, but this conversation was a fight...I mean she pissed me off....bitch. I was like GOOD CRY WHORE. But I didn't say that. Though it was on the tip of my tongue.

OH HERE IS A GREAT SITE .... I was fliping through one of my old Fitness Magazines and found this girl who lost 160 lbs -- and she did the USDA know using their system to keep track. I just went there and boy it's a great site...I mean you say what you ate for the day and it tells how you did...with the food pyramid and shit.This is the site for the USDA site on food.

Okay let's see if this works here too, I'm not too smooth on this hyper link shit ... sooo I will say Hello to my friend ... Girle.

OHH!!! These are pants I REALLY want, but my size is out of stock, fuck!! >:(...damn.


posted by Jennifer @ 4:06 p.m. on 2001-11-11
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