Artificial Intelligence

>>> Job Promotion in motion baby!

Annoyance of the Day:
Listening to:

Today was a weriod day, I hit every green light on the way to work, I go to work and started my daily grind. I notice my boss and three others are in a office talking, she hasn't been to nice to me lately, as she says in low voices...and sighs..."hello Jennifer." I get the feeling she doesn't like me anymore.

So as I'm typing, I'm a typist btw, she comes over .. "Jennifer can I talk to you..." sure I say as she leads me to a back office, something that hasn't happend to me since I interviewed for the job...she shuts the door and I stammer .."oh, I'm not in trouble because this feels like I am...."

She laughs and sits down and I sit down and she says to me..."you think I'm going to fire you don't you?" I think to this a joke or something? SO I just laugh, and say again, I'm not in trouble? She laughs and looks down and says, no, this is a good thing.

SO it turns out from her cruel joke, that I've beem promoted to a police beat/blotter person. Meaning I go to all local police stations and pick up police reports and type them up for the paper. A step up from my other lousey job of just typing in briefs and never being done and thinking that I'm stuck in this job forever....

So I said YES gleefully ...and then I wonder if that job I tried for last week is totally gone. I don't think I got it as I haven't heard a thing! Plus hell if I do get it, fuck that I don't care I'm taking it! I mean I'd be sorry to do that to my boss, but that other job is higher wages and benefits. But since I haven't heard shit from them, I don't think I got it. Plus now I wonder should I bother even trying for this job now?? I mean yeah, it'd be hirer pay, but I'd have to move to Indianapolis, get an apartment...and spend a lot of money only for a 18 mth contract! Oh well, that's something to consider, losing my place here or starting a new job. I know I will stay here, it's to much to go there.

Oh well my mother is bothering me fucking again, can't she see that I don't listen when I'm trying to fucking WRITE. I don't give a fuck, I have to go she won't leave me alone, I can't concentrate....

posted by Jennifer @ 12:25 p.m. on 2001-11-07
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