Artificial Intelligence

>>> Kashi and eatin'

Annoyance of the Day:
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It's Sunday morning, another weekend gone by TO FAST. Yet I accomplished a lot, I got most of my homework done, and finished some left over things. I can't believe next week I have MID TERMS! GOD...oh wait, I think it's the week after? Ooh I'm not sure, I think it's the week after, but I already have a study guide for one of em'!

I can't wait to get out of this semester and graduate! I keep thinking GOD to only be working ONE JOB. Though the economy is horrid and the newspaper has put a hiring freeze on ... I hope things will look up once I've graduated! Anyway, I'm tired of school and my other job, but I keep trudging along and along I go because I'm used to it now. I sit in class sometimes and just want to say can you be any more BORING? Then I realize that I only have about 2 more months of this shit.

OH AND TODAY I was looking at the ads in the paper and found the Kashi coupons, I like Kashi Cereal, but they never have it in my area, or I have to drive out at least 15 mins just to buy it! So I went on their web site and they had this deal where you could have a week supply of there new diet plan. It's kinda like Slim fast...but not really, you have there cereal for breakfast, a shake for lunch and one of there fiber bars for a snack, dinner is on your own. This is PERFECT for me, because I'd just have their shake for breakfast since I'm ALWAYS running late, and lunch could be there cereal since again I RUN LATE. So I ordered a week supply for $25 get cereal, the shake mix and the bars. Oh hum well, I won't get it for 3 weeks, but I might just go out and buy some to see how it is. I'm totally not a "Shake" person, but hell in the morning when I'm a chicken w/out it's head that would be nice to just pop open a can, I just hope it tastes good. They have chocolate and vanilla, both don't sound to appealing to me right now, I wish they had juice ones...something about DRINKING it makes me want to vomit, maybe it's my old days of trying slim fast CHALK milkshakes that made me so sick.

Oh well, I just thought I would try it, though didn't I say I was going to the WW meeting on Tuesday? I'll have to ditch that again, or maybe I won't, who knows with me anymore? I'm to sportatic for even my own tastes. I'm always finding new things to investigate or obsess over, but weight loss is a constant!

I worked out very well yesterday. Had oatmeal for breakfast, a bowl of noodles for lunch (YUM but tooo much carbo's) and a snack of lowfat FUDGE pudding with Free Coolwhip and dinner was a Taco Bell Chicken Quesdilla...that's the only bad thing I think I had, but they are SO FUCKING GOOD. I swear, but I used to get 2 Chicken Gorditas meal...w/ large pepsi and that soft taco that comes with it, holy fuck talk about calories! A large coke has 614 cals, my friend gave me there large coke last night with my meal and I drank a bit of it, and then poured it down the sink.

Plus I also put only ONE can of pop in the fridge. I HATE ICE IN MY POP, so I don't drink pop unless it's from that easy accessible CAN, which there is only ONE, therefore I won't have anymore. Though being on our back porch, it's already cold as fuck, sooo hee hee ... I don't know, I'm just beginning to see the calories in foods, and my nasty past and present ways...kinda makes you realize that what you eat really really matters when you work out for like an hour and burn calories and then put them on just by having ... a large coke.

Oh well, I also tried walking really fast on the ol' treadmill and it was nice, I did the glider but didn't lift weights as always, though I think the glider works out the body type because I have biceps...and noticed the other day I had *shutter* back bones! I didn't know what it was...I thought something was wrong until I realized it was my shoulder blades...lord. lol I kept thinking if I ever got real skinny I'd probably look freaky or have a really nice back...ooh backless dresses..

Jen :)

posted by Jennifer @ 10:53 a.m. on 2001-10-07
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