Artificial Intelligence

>>> Girlie stuff

Annoyance of the Day:
Listening to:

Hmm this guy, or this publishing agency, is looking into publishing three of my short stories. I'm scared right now, my horrid use of grammar....

I wouldn't get paid for the publishing, just a copy of the book, since it's a small firm. Still, they said you can buy this book at think that I would be part of a collected effort of short Someone, a thousand, people reading MY that's cool.

BUT IT'S ONLY IF THEY publish it!

So I'm thinking damn maybe I will be motivated once more to write, that is, IF THEY LIKE MY STORIES!

Um, okay, this War thing is a bit scary, Bin's threat of 100% strike I'm scared, and to think that before Sept. 11 we weren't scared.... This is truely life changing. I hate this and still sigh and say, we shouldn't known. How gullible were we??!

ANYWAY, I'm all excited about my Kashi diet thing, I haven't even GOTTEN it in the mail, 3 fucking weeks! Oh well I did *great* today. I feel good, I see ugly stretch marks all OVER my body, I don't know if it's saying I gained or am losing. But they are *ALL OVER* and are light colored, almost white. I think the dark color stretch marks are the bad ones since your skin is being stretched...but I'm not sure. When I see the stretches, I've always taken it as I'm losing, let's hope. I mean they are on my abs, my stomach, hips and my boobs! GOD I don't want to lose in my boob area...fuck I'm already a B or C cup...I've always thought that I'd look cool if I was skinny, my boobs would look I'm happy they aren't big, because then I'd probably look like a ball! or fatter than I really am. Plus I'm SO happy I'm small to medium boned. My sister is large boned and she has chubby hands and large feet....large wrists and ankles. I think I'm more femine in my hands and feet...wrists....more dainty in a way. I've always been VERY girly, with bows and make-up and shit. I love being a girl. Those pretty bracelets on a slim wrist, or god those beautiful light weight fabrics....light colored pinks and stuff...GOD I WANT TO BE THIN! I'd so wear that girly stuff!! lol


posted by Jennifer @ 9:45 p.m. on 2001-10-07
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