Artificial Intelligence

>>> Weight Watchers and chair/mirror

Annoyance of the Day:
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I'm thinking of joining Weight Watchers, I mean the meetings. I've never actually went to meetings, but I was on it before and lost, but now that I'm busy and stuff, I'm thinking maybe if I knew that I was getting weighed each week I'd do better. Yet I keep saying, $10 a week is a bit high for me, that's $40 a month. I mean, that's a high price for a poor girl. Plus I don't want to be caught in with the older folk who talk in these types of groups about everything BUT Weight Watchers. I'm so confused. I might just poo poo the idea, or I might go through with it. I'm stupid like that, I either say I might do it then either DO IT or just not do it. I go to each extreme with my craziness. So who knows.

Anyway, today I traveled to my grandparents house, they, or should I say my grandma lives exclusively only in Florida now, so we drove to her home in southern Indiana. It's a victorian house, a show house back in the day, so beautiful and now turning to rubble and dust. All the objects, numerous antiques, a find for anyone in the antique field, is decaying. It's currently being gone through by her children, my father, so it can be sold soon. Grandma doesn't want a thing to do with it, which is sad. It's like she wants it to just go away, and some of her greedy sons are just picking and bickering over who gets what. It makes me sick. I just look at the house and want it to be like it used to be, beautiful. I wanted so badly, to dust and clean the cob webs and open the windows and scrub off mildew. The house has been shut up for, at least 5 years, maybe more. Just now, grandma's lawyer is asking for it to be sold due to crime in the area. It's amazing it's not been broken into yet. And as the brothers are going down to sort things out, I am happy and sad to see that it will be sold off to someone who will care for it. The left over items will be auctioned off. I know I will cry to see her things going to fucking dealers who don't give a shit that maybe that was my great grandmothers, just that it will have a pretty price. I have so many mixed feelings about it, almost greed as I just want to take care of that house myself entirely.

I don't know, today my Mom went down for the silver and I got a chair, well what used to be a chair, from the coal room in the basement, or the chair room, that has all types of old chairs that my grandparents bought at an auction, I saw it last time I was there, this beautifully carved chair, a Morris Chair from the 1800's that has sat down there for god knows how long. It's a rocking chair and the back is collapsed, it looks horrid and I am re-doing it. I cleaned off the dust and dirt and the wood is beautiful. It doesn't even need to be stained. I love it already, I can't believe it's just sat there in the basement, forgotten. The carving of the wood on the front are of lions, and the scroll work on the brass nobs at the back, are so pretty. I also noticed a frame, it was under all these piece of broken glass. I lifed them all up, almost cutting my hand off, and lifted it up. I thought it was a frame, but it's really a mirror that has turned dark in old age with it's nickle backing. So I took that old splintering frame and am buying a new mirror and just leaving the old finish on it merely because it gives it a rustic look. So I have these two things to work on. I'm going to have to upolser my chair I think professionally, which runs at least $500 more or less. I was going to do it myself, but I'd rather have someone else do it. The back of the chair, with the molding, falling apart fabric, is filled with horse hair, which is VERY smelly and disgusting to take apart. I'd rather leave that to someone else. So we'll see. Right now, the bottom half of the chair is sitting outside int he dark drying off from my scrubbing, tomorrow I'll bring it in and maybe call and price some places to see how much it'l be to cover it. Oh well...I am still searching for a pic of one like mine to see how it should be done. I don't know, I have such a headache from traveling 6 hrs today, and getting home to type a paper for school and in a bit I'm going to clean my mirror...I guess the mirror is just an analogy for the family clear and open, now turned dark and brittle.

posted by Jennifer @ 8:57 p.m. on 2001-09-15
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