Artificial Intelligence

>>> Leaving for Vegas, money, MEN, Ma and Pigheaded Sister

Annoyance of the Day:
Listening to:

I contemplated quitting my second job today, but as I filled out papers when I got to that job, I noticed how no body knew that I wanted to leave this office I filled them out and sat there like an ass while I tried to finish my news release and try to figure out how to file pictures. I hate this job, they made me walk across campus in my ouchy feet hurt terribly...and still do. That sucks.

Anyway, my sister is mad at me right now because I stopped a download from Aimster, because I signed on my screen name, how was I to know she was having a friend upload a song of ours for a CD she needs tomorrow or something? How is this MY fault when she didn't tell me, only just not to sign off, and I thought because the song she was downloading didn't download, that is why she didn't want me to sign off. It's really a fucking stupid thing, and I think she's crying or something upstairs...and now she'll be a bitch to me and slam shit around. Plus I asked how much food was in Vegas, since all I can take is like $200 dollars....and she gets bitchy with me..well fuck off sorry I don't make $30 a year...I don't even make $10 a year and I have bills...I hate that! I'm a poor person going to Vegas...kinda like a rich person in a Kmart store...doesn't make sense, yet they are there.

ANYWAY, I'm grumpy again, but happy that two men gave me smiles...and one is "courting" me....lord how long has it been since I had a DATE? long, I suck at dating! I mean I just dont' want to have to take the time for someone to know me, I want to be comfortable with people right off...oh hum, and I get so nervous around guys when they hit on I can't take compliments.."Oh they are making fun of me" pops into my head.... A guy said I was very attractive, and I wondered where the punch like was...yuck, that's horrid, I will try to stop thinking that way.

Anyway, I'm tired tonight, and still have to get on the treadmill, my elliptical trainer will be here Sept. 5 and my parents don't know yet, and I know they will yell at me for spending money I don't have...but I can't tell them I was pushed into it by a evil ebay person who was getting ebay on my ass for not paying for my bids...oh well...there's alway some stupid shit in my life going on that I create and then wonder how I did it to myself once again. Tomorrow, I have class till 7 or 8 at night, I haven't packed yet for Vegas, and tomorrow I'll be to tired, but our flight doesn't leave until that means I get to sleep in, I am guessing the limo is picking us up at 9. See thankfully my friend has an aunt who has money ... and she pays for my ticket/room/etc. for trips I'm very thankful to her, or else I wouldn't be going! She paid for our room in Disney Polynesian concierge, $400 a night into the park for 5 days...etc. I wish I was that well off that I could do that for people....

I can dream I guess. Oh well I have to go change out of my "professional" clothes and hurtful shoes while my sister either yells at me or refuses to talk to me about a dumb ass download I knew nothing about, I fucking hate that and she's so pig headed she refuses to listen to reason, just like my Mother, who is NEVER wrong and gets angry at the stupid and littlest things and crys about it. Lord tell me I'm not that way, I am very easy going, and get angry, but then an hour later am OK ... and I NEVER cry in front of anyone, to me it's fuck me I hate this shit....close minded, teary eyed bitches.....

OH I got home today and everyone was yelling me at...Jenny don't forget...take the movie back, fix the..., wash your clothes....blah mother fucking blah, I hate that, I just sat there looking straight ahead sighing....God someone is calling me ... bye

posted by Jennifer @ 6:46 p.m. on 2001-08-29
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