Artificial Intelligence

>>> I feel FINE, really. I do. *cough*

Annoyance of the Day: Hit and Miss colds
Listening to: me running out the door cuz I'm late for work again
Feeling: FINE!

Ugk! How can I get SICKER? Fuck! Yesterday I was feeling so much better, albeit I did have a cough, but it was just a cough.

So last night I wake up and can't stop coughing. I'm hacking like a mofo and it's like I've smoked for like 100 years and worked in a coal mine.

I get up and suck on an old ass cough drop from my time on the SHIP and go back to sleep. So this morning my ears are shut and my throat hurts and my head feels like a beach ball and I'm still coughing.

I stopped at Walgreens and bought some coughdrops, night time stuff and some cough/pills. I took em and drank a Jakada Coffee thing (major caffenine).

So I'm still flying and feel a lil better but I feel FINE, really.

So my guy calls me up and is like ... wow you sound sick honey. I'm like I AM FINE. And I'm all like how the FUCK are you well already? This man came to work Tuesday looking like the walking dead - while I appeared fine, yet today I'm the walking dead and he's all HEALTHY! WTF!

So I call my mom and she's like wow you sound horrible. I'm like I'M FINE.

I figure if I keep saying it, it'll come true because I AM FINE. It's just congestion or something. Tomorrow it'll be okay and I'll be just FINE.

I read up that if you OD on vitamin C that'll do it for you. So I'm going to go eat an orange and drink some OJ, even though I'm slightly allergic to the stuff.

Why this rush for great health? I swear, it's for tomorrow. My guy said he'd pick me up and I could spend the night - though I did say if he was to tired, not to come get me.

Yet, I am craving our lil fuck around time. My period is like OVER and I'm all un-worried about periodness smells and emotions. So I'm fucking like LET'S GO FUCK AROUND ALREADY.

I know I'm a whore or as my guy calls me a horn dog, but it's not that, really, it's like experimentation for me. Like what can I do, to make him get aroused faster? Make him moan? Or best of all make him say stuff like "oh babyyyy, oh yesss oh my GOD!"

Still, I am trying to be positive as my cold is what'll stop us because of my fucking shitty ass immunune system that decided to fuck with me today.

So I shall fight back! A hot tub tonight, OD on OJ and major nose blowing and pill taking! A battle to be won by me!

Yet I wonder what my guy is thinking. I really would love to spend the night, yet a part of me doesn't want to if I still have this monster cough. I'll opt to sleep on his couch if I do because it's bad. Eek, my mind says, if it's that bad, I should'nt even be there.

Yet my body is like, oh man, come on, let's get our groove on and mess around.

Decisions, decisions, decisions.

Okay tomorrow I WILL feel better. I will get a good nights rest and wake up clear and healthy and well and him say he's to tired to drive out here for me and I'll have to wait until SUNDAY to see him. *Hmmph!*

Anyway, I saw all of the Valentines stuff out! It's so exciting to HAVE someone finally for that day! I'm still wondering what to get my lovar - I did just get him a shirt that says my name and "bitch" because he saw it on some guys shirt and loved it. I haven't gotten it yet (ebay buy) ... so hehe.

I'm thinking for Vday getting him some sexy boxer shorts like silky and maybe an article of clothing - he needs clothes soo bad. Fuck chocolates or roses or whatever! lol

Okay see don't I sound FINE, non-sickish? This, of course, is due to the over-taking of medicine and od of caffenine and the weekend is here and I can sleep in and I'm going to see White Noise tonight and hooray! It's 1:00 and the day is half way over and I'm in love and my guy loves me....and man life can be really good when you look at it.

I was thinking today, our first date how I was sure we'd never date again because he seemed so nervous. And how uncomfortable I was and god worrying about merely kissing him ... and now, now look at us!!! Dating for a little more than 2 months, look at us now, we're so sweet. I luv him, I love him, I love him.

posted by Jennifer @ 12:48 p.m. on 2005-01-07
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