Artificial Intelligence

>>> fuck.

Annoyance of the Day: Read above
Listening to: Big Cry - Sara Evans
Feeling: Headachy, oh my

What the FUCK?!

I go in for my second interview RIGHT.

I meet with the HR person.

So we're chatting and she's a rough mama. Asking me all these questions about strengths and who I like and what I did and what type of supervisor I like.


"Oh did **** tell you we have an internal candidate?"

FUCKING WHAT!? I thought. FUCK ME! "No" I said ... so I sat there and said "how long have they been interviewing?"

She said "about the same time as you ... I can't believe they didn't tell you about it."

I sat there nearly in tears, "that always seems to happen to me" I say.

She tells me I'll be making SHIT pay for a job that does a lot (not in those terms) and that she'll see if I could fit in any design/layout JOBS should I not get this one. She says want to be a TYPIST again? My look must've said it all.

So she says ... well the internal candidate...well he might not want this job due to the pay ... and the job ... and we haven't offered him anything, we haven't offered anyone ANYTHING. We stil have to compare resumes.

She thinks she told me to much, I know it, but fuck man why!? Nancy Kerigan "WHY!! WHYYYY MEEEE!??!?"

But she kept saying "YOU USED TO WORK HERE."

My mom thinks the other interviews didn't tell me because they don't like the guy going for it. I can't see the person having my skills, but HELL I couldn't even get the OTHER JOB.

But I made it farther with this second interview, never had this before, so who knows what this means.

All I know is that was a very low blow to me today. I thought I could go in there and just GET the job. Silly me thinking something would be easy.

She said they'll let me know either way, they want to hire someone within the week, or in a week. Either way, she said, you'll know by a phone call or a fucking POSTCARD saying no thanks you suck.


I keep thinking, I just bought some clothes cuz I thought this job was in the bag.

Now I just feel like someone stepped on me and crushed me.

Fuck. How much more can they jerk me around?

posted by Jennifer @ 2:38 p.m. on 2004-09-13
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