Artificial Intelligence

>>> Good times...interview!!

Annoyance of the Day:
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I thought I'd pop in a very quick update.

Today I have to work that Port City fest. which is okay since it's a beautiful day out. My parents and I are going at 1 and staying until at least 7 ... I hate to go this long, but there is a stupid story on boats I have to cover, with awards given at fuckin' 6.

So I have to play reporter, photographer and Sunday paginator.

SO er...I make my own paper in a sense! lol


I applied for a job at my old paper - and it turns out that it's for the section where I interned at. So they sent me this letter yesterday:

Hi Jennifer:

I received your resume for the Crown Point Community coordinator position. I was informed Wednesday that the job opening is temporarily on hold -- hopefully not for more than a week or two -- so I am not setting up interviews just yet. I'll contact you when I know more.

Thanks for your resume. (I remember you from your most-valuable-to-us typing days.)


Now doesn't that sound positive? Like I have the interview?

I think so, so I'm excited to say the least. I'm guessing in three weeks time I'll get an interview, whereas I need to really lose weight for this new suit I have.

I mean I've not been keeping pts. for some reason, just been busy and I will begin again on Sunday/Monday.

But I need to drop some poundage for my suit! ;) Really, I do. So I was going to hit the gym again, even if to walk on the ol' treadmill or on the ellipitcal thingy for an hour. Then maybe do resistance bands at home. Something.

I tried to get a new violin teacher, but with this job prospect, I'm wondering if I should bother, you know...? I mean I know I haven't even gotten an interview, much less anything of that nature. See times like this it's really hard to figure on what I should do with future plans...ala' hello I just paid $30 for a month of violin, and I really cannot afford to pay whatever to someone, I think I'll wait until October.

Naturally I'm low on cash again, fucking car payments KILL me all the time, I cannot wait until it's over. I have $100 in my account now, and if I have to pay for exercise, that's $40 and then gas about being broke. It was cause of my fall extravagant purchase at Lane Bryant, but hell I never go to Lane Bryants ... and I need fall clothes. Anyway, I'll have to see how it goes, I have no savings, which I know I repeatedly say I'll save...but then don't. I have bad money management....

But if I get that job, I'll move in with dear ol' sister and pay her rent, which if it's to high, I will move out asap - why pay her rent so I can clean up after her and have to live around her, then just be on my own??

I'm thinkin' if she asks more than, lets say $250, then buh bye. I'm hoping should I get this job I'll get a good pay raise - thinking $30,000, but everyone says probably $25,000 ... but that's to low with my experience.

Yesterday at the chili cookoff my boss and my other boss attacked my mom saying "you can't let jen leave here..." Mom thinks something is up, and I'm hopin no one said anything like I"m leaving and then wondered if someone called...but I"m sure he'd say something. It was weriod, I heard it all...they were like she's such a nice girl, we like her, please tell her not to leave...they said 'she's on the 10 year plan.'

I was like huh. Where did that come from.

Oh well ... I'm off to the fair! I'm happy about this job prospect! I knew something good was coming...I only wish Rockford would call....

posted by Jennifer @ 11:34 a.m. on 2003-09-06
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