Artificial Intelligence

>>> Where am I going to?

Annoyance of the Day:
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Well that was odd... to say the least

My little 'blind date' went over okay, much much better than my last ones. I mean at first I was so nervous and my cheeks blushed so deep and burned so hot.

I was nice and happy and thought about how nervous he was and just said hell, I might as well just be me and make an ass of myself and have fun.

He came dressed in a hockey jersey and black shorts and baseball hat. I suppose this could be 'casual' wear for him, but me, I went in my long gray cartigan sweater (goes to my shins!) a white ballet top and nice jeans with black shoes and my violin necklace/silver charm. Hair in pony tail with curles that fell out in the wind, but looked very Victorian for some reason ... make up was perfect as always.

I was a bit superficial when I first met him, I instantly thought 'immature boy' I thought 'high school boy' and he smiled and said 'hi Jen.'

We both walked into Pizza Hut with my sweater flapping around my legs in the wind, he pushed open the door for me and we sat down nervously.

I was shaking I was so nervous and finally calmed myself down enough, and mid-through I finally relaxed.

I told him it was funny because being a reporter I meet all sorts of new people each day, but here I am all nervous for no reason. I suppose this might of been flattering to him that I was nervous, since he laughed nervously. So we had a few moments of silence and I put on my reporters cap and began talking about him which always does the trick.

I played the stupid girl by asking about what he does at the casino and his parents, family etc.

At the end we were getting on well, I felt comfortable enough and it was funny how we kept looking at each other then looking away quickly, each of us trying not to catch each other's eye.

I felt like we're more in the 'friends' mode, I instantly thought I'm too good for him, we have nothing in common but I reserve these thoughts and will think nothing but neutral things.

Do I think I'll go out with him again? Maybe

I'm wondering if I just blew his mind, was to strange or if he even had fun. I mean he wasn't all that great of a conversationalist, though I know we were both very nervous. Still I liked to make him laugh because he has a crazy giggle and makes me laugh myself.

He also has really straight teeth.

But romantically? I don't know ...

Oh well chalk this up to experience, who knows, he's probably blocking my screenname as I type this lol.


Oh well South Haven guy emailed me and gave me his cell number (again) in case I ever need to talk. I wonder if he needs to talk because people usually don't offer up things like this unless they need what they are offering.

So I gave him mine and hopefully I won't have someone who calls me each night and has nothing to say, but calls cause they think they have to ala' ex-Vinny.

I wonder if Josh is to old for me, I mean should I cut off flirting ... he is 42 or something, I was one years old when he graduated high school.

I told my mom this guy was in his 40's and I asked her if she thought that was to old, she said 'oh no it's just age.'

This made me think a bit. While at an auction on Saturday, I was looking for men in their 40's. There was a man sitting in front of me that must've been early 50's and he had wrinkles and gray hair.

This other man across the room looked to be in his 40's and had that strange skin - you know where you get older and it looses it's freshness of youth?

Well I looked at him a while and wondered if I could get past the realms of age and think of someone who is 17 years my junior and still have things in common other than loneliness and wanting to be with someone?

I do like talking to him sometimes, so I'm not sure what it all means, he wants to come see me and I just have to wonder if it will be another Vinny who was older than me - I was like 21 at the time, he was like 38 (but looked OLDER) ... I felt like a trophy girlfriend as he gawked at me and tried to touch me, tried sooo hard for me to just fall in love with him, but I had none of this, not to mention he dressed horribly. Yes, I am superficial, I'm sorry

So, what now.

I can't wait to go home and just mull over this day and feel great to be done with this meeting shit for now. *Sigh* I still have to let out a little laugh at Brandon's nervousness, guys who act so suave on the net and have soo many standards in girls, always, nearly always turn out to be Brandon's like this, I just laugh like some little vixen and feel that girl power to have the right to say, yes let's go out again or no ... I guess it's a thrill in a way when someone wants you, or to be desired? I don't know, I guess it's that power I crave, the chase and hunt to make some guy fall for you and then tease your way out of it all with a 'let's be friends.'

Hm...lord I need to lose more weight, I like these guy games such as these, I've never had this before, so I should exploit it somehow lol. Not that I'm that evil or anything .... but hell why not play around until I find someone I drop for at first sight?

posted by Jennifer @ 8:23 p.m. on 2003-04-13
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