Artificial Intelligence

>>> Sugar sugarrrr

Annoyance of the Day:
Listening to:

It was a beautiful day today, the sun has shined all day, not a cloud in the sky!

I practiced violin for about an hour last night, this is after two weeks of not practicing (though I did practice 10 minutes on Tuesday). I could tell that I really need to practice.

I've lost that confidence I had when I first started, now my playing is peppered with sour notes and me getting confused with reading these new notes.

Oh it was sooo easy when we didn't have to know how to read the music, you would just have to follow D 1, D 2, D 3, now it's D string, E, F, G, we're learning how to do slurs and learning beats and when to repeat, stop. I don't like the book we use because it seems to start off to slow, and now it's going way to fast. I'm still stuck on things that we learned a month ago such as half and whole steps.

But I am still trudging on though often times I think I'm ready to just quit.

I just need to really practice more. At lunch today I took out our workbook and did a few exercises with counting notes.

So that was at least something.

I also took a shoulder rest from my grandfathers violin kit and am using that, I like it better though it's a bit painfull on my shoulder...but I like how it holds the violin so straight for me and doesn't feel like it's slipping off my shoulder. So that's good in some aspect, I was getting better last night I just need to soo soo practice!!!

Oh well, I woke up last night with a Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat song in my head. See last night I was practicing how to read the notes on the G - string because I'm rusty on that and the A-string, so I took out my Lloyd Webber music book and attempted to play some songs, it's just hard for me still to read the music and then tell my fingers what to do and my arm to move the bow w/o scrapping on the other strings.

I am getting worse on hitting other strings for some reason, I think I try to go to fast.

Anyway, I kept waking up last night with stupid dreams and singing some damn Joseph song because - when I play on my violin I always sing the song in my head to help me out ... like um "any dream will dooooo" from Joseph ... lol.

I have to clean the house before my parents come up lord the bathroom needs it and the garbage needs to be burnt. The floors need to be cleaned, but this can wait a bit. Ooh and I need to dust.


Oh well Sunday is the big day where I go to meet Brandon, I'm not as nervous as I think I should be. I mean I keep shrugging it off and haven't really thought about it until today.

I feel somehow that it might now pan out, but I don't really mind, I mean hell I don't need anymore stress in my life. So piss on it until Sunday when I flip out because my hair is acting up and I don't know what much to wear.

Jeans and I think we should only go for like coffee I don't want any dinner or anything that's just to much for a first time thingy.

uggggg, I can just foresee that phone call ... "Hi Jenn ... -laugh- what's up?" Me...-laughs fake-ishly- uh not much.

Tra la la.

Man I wish the time would start to fly, fuck I am waiting till 6:20 before I leave for my class which is just down the's 5:45 right now.

so I have like a half hour *wah*

Um oh well I ran all over creation today taking photos and shit. Went to court and then came back to work, cleaned my desk off and layed out my page for Sat. with my story on it. Talk about control, my story, my photos, my layout design, the only other thing on the page is my court update. Heheh

I can't wait to go home tonight! eeee eee!!! God I get to sleep in...and then work out from 4:30 till 6:30 and then my parents are coming up.I always sleep so great when people are in the house.

I can't wait to workout I've felt like I gained 100 pounds lately. My parents are talking about getting back on Atkins for the two week induction before my cousin's wedding where most of the family will be.

I bought this outfit from HSN last night. It's, I just hope I can wear it w/o feeling like a stuffed pig. It's this red top, and a white skirt with a sewn design of chinese looking flowers on cost me $100 bucks! That's a lot of money to pay, but I figured I could always send it back if it doesn't fit well. It should, and that's why I should really work it out until May to help lose and tone up!

I just hate Atkins because damn I just want some bread sometimes. Plus I just bought like pasta and stuff! Fuck!

I guess I can survive this once more. That first week is the worst, wow, I get very cranky and very tired. But after the first three days I'm okay.

I just hope I lose with it, I would guess that I would if I cut out all carbs and sugar.


posted by Jennifer @ 5:26 p.m. on 2003-04-10
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