Artificial Intelligence

>>> FUCK! Evil eye is upon me top 10 reasons

Annoyance of the Day:
Listening to:

Like my grandpa used to say, 'I have the evil eye on me'

1. I color my hair, it turns out some funky strange blonde, like burnt butter.

2. My computer crashes, I lose everything. Including resumes, stories, photos and my beginning violin wavs.

3. I buy a new printer because my printer keeps fucking up, then I figure out how to use my old printer, so I just spent $130 for nothing. Plus I just bought new memory for my computer and hell everything is gone away, it's like I have a brand new computer again....damn it.

4. I'm not losing weight though I'm working my ass OFF in the gym. I'm at 278 like a motherfucker. Everyone says it's muscle weight, but fucking shit, I'm tired of seeing 278 stare me in the eye when I've been sweating like a pig at the butcher at these classes, I'm still sore from doubling up my last class ... UGH! What the HELL is going on. I took my measurements, I'd better see results SOON. Fuck it I'm not weighing myself anymore!

5. I still have PMS and I have to work late tonight and it's windy, cold and snowy.

6. My parents leave tomorrow, so I"m all alone AGAIN.

7. I can't find a job.

8. I can't find a boyfriend.

9. I don't have any friends.

10. I suck

What a weekend.

posted by Jennifer @ 12:21 p.m. on 2003-01-19
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