Artificial Intelligence

>>> Jello wars

Annoyance of the Day:
Listening to:

Okay I updated yesterday and I will again today because my parents just left and I don't have my mom reading over my shoulder, which pisses the fuck out of me.

I got another job email,that is three now in only a week! How grand, but still none of which I can seriously apply for. The one I got today was for a position in Texas. HA, as if I would move there when I want to go home. Hello! No thanks. (Sorry Lucy lol)

Anyway, today I made no sugar gummy worms. It was easy, but I think next time I'll use less gelatin, you could tie them around a newspaper they are so elastic!

I bought TWENTY TWO dollars worth of groceries! I CAN"T BELEVE it. All I got was jello, pudding and fresca pop. I was like Jesus!

Anyway, I worked my asss off today, I'm taking Wednesday off so I can go shopping.

Anyway Pooks called me at work and I couldn't talk. ;(

I miss pooks, he's coming up to see me in July! Eeeee

Then again, he might be helping me pack if I am fired, which I doubt. My mom said today, watch them keep you on, then you find a job at home...ahh what a dream, then she got me excited when she told me I'd have to write a 2 week notice letter, aww what a heavenly thing that will be.

Cause I'm Jaded still from him telling me I'm not doing my job.

J-J-Jaded soo Jadeddd, that reminds me of that Aeosmith song.

Anywho, my dog is sitting behind me on the arm of a chair and it's scaring me...and he's howling cause my parents left, so it's freakier, he's so cute when he howls, he's a meta-soprano in dog-world.

Okay I'm being stupid, must be hunger, I made sugar free Kool-Aid and put in only 7 cups of water instead of 8 cause I like it real sugary.

Plus today it hit me again that I'm still single. And then I caught myself looking at this guy and thinking, damn I bet that is what Jo looks like (my internet dream man, which in person he's probably a dog oh well.)

THEN last night I went to take photos at this prom thingand know one of my goals is to wear a strappy long ballgown dress and be wonderfully tan with nice hair.

Oh well, maybe I shouldn't drink this kool aid now it's so sugary and might throw me out of ketosis or whatever the fuck Atkins calls it, I don't think I've been in it yet, my mom sure is her breath could kill a fucking fly, I can't sit next to her cause I gag. I told her I'm not going to get that breath cause I talk face to face with people and it's so pungent you just want to claw off your nose.

My next goal is to get a good hair style, I hate my pony tail or clip hair, with a poodle ass perm that won't go away. My Mom said the other day, that's funny how that frizzes on top, OH THANKS MA I said, and then thought you did it to me, but I know she'd cry if I said that outloud.

Oh well, I keep feeling scared that I'm going to stop losing weight. Today I weighed in at 280.0, from 290? That's pretty good, my "normal" weight is 270, so ... when I hit 270 I shall throw a party for myself since I haven't seen that in a while. Then lordy be 260 ... 250, I will throw up on myself. 200? A dream.

Will it last? When will it end?

When will I have a potato chip dipped in onion dip again?

Or Dairy Queen Peanut Buster Parfait.

McDonald's Extra Value mean number 2 with a coke.

KFC potato wedges? Biscuit with honey and butter?

Um ... fuck Beggar's Pizza with poppers a large coke and ranch to go on the pizza (it's REALLY GOOD)

Hm...when ever will I eat this way again, can I say this diet so far has totally changed my way of eating? I think I will know in a months time, since tomorrow will be two weeks. Lordy be I want some lemon chiffon cake from sara lee and then lasagna, a blueberry muffin and death by chocolate cake.

The funny thing is, I know when these things are in front of me, I can't eat them. I look at them and feel guilt. I had 5 french fries from McD's and I felt like I just blew my diet. Even a bit of burger bun, I felt fat.

I think I will totally totally stick to this diet for the next two weeks. See how the weight loss goes, I'll update more, I swear it. Especially now when my life seems to be living again, like a spark has been set and I'm realizing I can regenerate my search for happiness in a job at home, with that feeling in my mind that says be scared cause you might not be happy when you get this dream Jen. Then what. What now.

posted by Jennifer @ 9:03 p.m. on 2002-06-23
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