Artificial Intelligence

>>> LIFE

Annoyance of the Day:
Listening to:

MANISTEE - Today newspaper reporter Jennifer ****, 24 formerly of Hammond, Ind., realized how much she hates her job. She came to this conclusion after coming to work and finding a pile of work with unrealistic deadlines today. Her only comment to the outlandish workload was, "fuck."

After being sly, Jennifer got her way with going to the Field Musuem member open house on Friday, June 7. Jennifer was over-joyed, but this was short lived as she merely only traded hours with a co-worker and has yet to tell her boss, who at age 1000, doesn't seem to cater to Jennifer's requests.

Later in the day, she returned home to find her answering machine with no messages and her mailbox empty. According to Jennifer, the day she leaves Michigan, is the day she will be "really fucking happy."

Later developments occured when Jennifer found out her brand new pants had a pulled seam in the rear end quarter, and she had been wearing, "slutty poka dot undies." She hopes no one saw them at work, yet she is optmistic that even if they did she doesn't "really give a shit."

Before retiring for the day Jennifer found life to be really profound, or in her words, "what the hell am I doing?"

She did relax with a nice walk on the treadmill and a cup of ice cold Pepsi and sat back to watch the WTC closing day. Though she despaired at the loss of life, she did recall her problems seem very small compared to that of the world's, so she is considering "having a brighter attitude on 'life.'

posted by Jennifer @ 9:52 p.m. on 2002-05-30
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