Artificial Intelligence

>>> Diet pills dilemma

Annoyance of the Day:
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Okay I'm thinking of trying these two new supplements:

They seem okay, and yes, I know I am the one to nix supplements for diet. YET I sort of like that extra help, I know I won't stay on them forever, but hell just to have a less appetite, will be nice for a change, plus fat burn.

Yes, I was on Hydroxycut and fuck that really did help me lose until it gave me chest spasms. I think if it didn't I would've really lost with it, of course, you have to wonder what would happen if I got off of them? Would I gain?

I did lose with them and when I got off of them, I think I gained a bit back, but not all that much. My body is like "okay I'll lose," then when I stop it's like "well I'll just gain half of that back."

I think I just need to tighen up, espcially my abs and hips, they are nasty. Like I could take a knife and slice off that FAT.

It's hell being fat. It's so unhealthy and makes you feel so bad.

How did I get this way? If I ever have kids I will never let them get this way, knowing how I feel now, never ever, I will be a kind mother who tells my daughters (or sons) how it is to be fat and that I don't want them to hate themselves as I do.

Yep, I see a new diet coming home, not really a diet, but new way of life. Be it with the aid of pills (when I take pills I keep on my diet/exercise well enough, or else what is the point?)

So we'll see. I feel like a bad person saying that I want to use supplements, but, I'm at that point I need an extra kick. I already have 3 bottles of diet pills in my cabinet, that I don't use all that often, I guess I should polish those off before going on two new ones.

HM. I have phen-free, CLA and um...Beta lean? Something like that. The two phen and beta are the same, and CLA is a new one. So hm...maybe i should sell them on ebay, though they ARE open, or maybe give them to my sister. HM HM.

Why do I feel so bad? Like a rat because of this?

I think weight loss will be my new hobby and experiment to see what works for me.

Exercise, Jen, exercise works doesn't it?

posted by Jennifer @ 1:28 p.m. on 2002-05-03
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