Artificial Intelligence


Annoyance of the Day:
Listening to:

***My view of COPS ---> C.O.P.S.: Cocky Often PISSY SHITHEADS!***

I started off good, I did keep points, I probably still could

I had:

2 English Muffins w/ butter and a bit of Jam ... 8 pts.

Lunch, med coke w/ chicken sandwich...12 pts

Dinner (fuck up)

3 pieces of cheese, pep, and sausage ... 15 or more points...

36 pts there!

I went over already.

But I had a bad day

I have this sticker on my car of Mickey giving the bird, so a cop said to me while I at the station interviewing that it's "REAL NICE" in a mean voice, like he was ready to flip, so I got out of there, he called two of my bosses. My bosses say, it's my car, I can do w/ it what I want...they laugh and are good about it, but I feel mad because he could've fucking to me to my FACE instead of calling my bosses and making me feel like a kid who just broke a window and they are calling my parents. Then I thought fuck you, I'm not there for him to judge my car, I'm there on business, if I were the fucking captain with that sticker he wouldn't say shit.

So I took it off because in this small town people get shitty about the smallest things and I've been going to a lot of schools and got forbid if I should be told that I have to move my car or never come back, that is just how people are here, they FLIP out over little shit, I mean LITTLE. People here are so uptight they can crunch pop cans in their ass. I mean fuck me man, these people seriously need to lighten up. I notice that here, everyone is so fucking uptight and always doing 100% without rest, damn! When is my day off? I worked my ass off this week did my boss let me go home early?? NOoooo, I'm over hours even! >:(

So I'm just upset and might not tell mom and dad what happened because they will say it's all MY fault and how I should've known. See my parents take the other persons side, "hey mom I was raped!" "Oh Jen, you should'nt have wore high heels, it's your fault" that is how they are.

so I got my speakers today and am feeling cranky, I got PMS again, damn it! It ended and decide to come back and make my boobs hurt and my back hurt. My hormones are acting up! I wonder why. I dont mind having PMS, but the boob

SO I'm wanting to go home again, I'm getting tired of these people here, I want to just say leave me alone anymore.

So maybe I'm tired today.

I got my speakers for my computer, oh joy, I can't wait to play my PC game tonight, I love doing that.

If I had a cigarette and a glass of Amaretto I would be really happy right now.

posted by Jennifer @ 7:09 p.m. on 2002-04-12
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