Artificial Intelligence

>>> Flowers, dogs and things.

Annoyance of the Day:
Listening to:

I am alone again, well, except for my dog. My parents are coming back on Tuesday, so it's basically a day alone. I have to work today and it's snowing very hard right now. I will not work long, I don't care, I figured a few hours would be alright since my boss won' be there and it's fucking EASTER afterall! I have to load some photos and look at my story for Monday, that will eat up at least a few hours.

I just want to hurry home to my dog who is taking my parents leaving harder then me, he's perched on the couch with his head on the arm looking out the window as if they are coming home. Little does he know....

I then will leave Thursday with my dog to go home...lord 4 hours with a little dog who doesn't like to travel to much.......who jumps around and as soon as he settles down I have to stop for gas and then he gets nuts again.

Gotta love the dog.

So anyway, I live Thursday, my parents stay here, I come home Sunday, my parents come home I'll pass them on the road probably. THENnnn I'll be alone again for however long.

YUCK. I so wanted to go home w/ them today, they are going to Grandma's to pick up furniture. Sooo I shall never see my Granny's house again, I mean it'll be sold in June, and I've not time to go down that sucks ass.

Oh well.....I haven't found any jobs that look good. I found great ones, but are tooooo far away, like an hour to two hour drive! But it's good to know they are out there. I do the job circuit every week, Indiana and Illinois...that's my ticket out of here.

Damn I wish this snow would stop!!!! UG! I wish I were home too...because after this week, I don't think I can come home as much, I can't take Friday's off like this all the time, it's just to hard. Sooooo mannnn boss is a ... um... and I dont' think he'll like me leaving like this, though he won't be here this week! Woo hooooO!O!OooooO!O!!!!! Guess who'll be leaving early....


I'm getting back into eating right/ working out. This past week I was doing my hair, I had my ma trim it to get the hellish perm out of it, so I was getting ready for work and was looking at my hair and there are PATCHES of bald spots. I knew my hair was falling out, but I didn't think it was THAT bad.

So I got vitamins that I'm taking 3 times a day for hair, nails and skin. I mean it's horrid to see that little spot on the side of my head. I feel like I have cancer or something. I think it's either stress or not eating right, enough vitamins, or maybe both. All I know is it was bad, I mean it's falling out a little less, each time I wash my hair I run my hands through it and find a few long strands...yuck! It's so grosss!!!!!

Okay, well, I should get ready for work, yess I should, I'm figuring of leaving at 12:30 ish and then the paginators come in at 3, so I can say, here is my story w/ the pics, then sit down and thennnn leave a bit later, so I think maybe around 4 I'll leave, then WORKOUT here at home. Yesss I am lifting weights and walking on the treadmill, hell it's not that hard to lift and I will do that in front of the TV. Already today I cleaned the house and burned garbage and was nutty, I did work up a sweat doing all those things. So I feel better, though when I look outside at the gray day with snow it's yucky.

I also bought an Orchid to take care of, it was $15. So I am NOT letting that DIE!! I've been trying to make sure it has enough water and not in sun light, and putting it in the bathroom for the humidity....uggg I hope I can grow it, it's so pretty, it's white. I also have to tend to my african violets which I can grow like nobody's business. I don't know why, but mine are HUGE. I mean I've re potted them at least 3 times now, I have four of them, and I might give one of them to pookie because he's always wanted one and he kills them, he better not kill mine, so I keep wondering if I should let him have one lol. I really like

posted by Jennifer @ 9:53 a.m. on 2002-03-31
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