Artificial Intelligence

>>> JOB

Annoyance of the Day:
Listening to:

I would so love to be able to just type into the web page instead of on an email, then cut and pasting it. Yuck. But I refuse to lose another long as entry because of shitty AOL booting me.

Oh fucking well. Today I was in a good mood then towards the end of the day it turned sour. It was one of those days EVERYONE just pisses you off.

SO I called for that Indy job and talked the ear off that lady, so it turns out they have to "grade" my practice edit and if I fail, then that's IT. If not, then I have an interview. I was like, oh great, why didn't you tell me this before when I could've looked over it better! So we'll see.

Anyway, me and my friend were supposed to go out, but he took to damn long so I went out with my other friends. Then he called my cell phone and it sounded like he was crying, then I wondered if he had a problem with a friend ... breaking up ... so..I called him and he still sounded badly, but he lied and said it was something else. HM. I felt bad, so tomorrow we're going to go out unless he pisses me off again.

See he's okay, then he pisses me off, then he's okay. SO I bought him a X-mas present and now I'm like he's such a fucker sometimes, I mean I never believe what comes out of his mouth, he lies so much, I mean ALL the time. You never know what is real with him. His mother is the same way. Plus he makes plans with me, then he takes forever to come over, or doesn't come over at all. That pisses me off. From now on I'm going to say be here at this time or forget it. So I'm like I KNOW he won't get me anything for X-mas, he never does. Just like my birthday he said he got me something and he didn't, and I had bought me a crock pot for X-mas, but took it back because SORRY I'm poor TOO. I mean I know you should GIVE, but you know what? I buy him dinner sometimes and I drive HIM around ala' gas money and let him borrow ANYTHING he needs, I made his web page and then what does he give me? NOTHING. I've *never* borrowed anything from him and the only present I ever got from him was about 3 or 4 years ago and it was $10. UM NO. Just the other day I gave me things for his car for $10. Come on now, I'm sorry you need to give to get, and he doesn't give enough to get. SO I don't know why I got him a present! I guess I felt giving.

Oh well, my sister is being a bitch tonight. I ask her 4 times to do something, she doesn't do it, then I yell at her and she's like, You're such a bitch sometimes. Well, shit do what I ask the first time dumb ass. THEN she never *ever* does laundry, only on rare days, then she has NEVER put the clothes away in the basket. I mean I could do 5 loads and tell her to put them away, and I come upstairs and find the basket FULL on my bed. WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT. I'm thinking of just dumping the basket and it's contents on her bed next time. I get sick of that shit. Which makes me want to move out all the more.

Anyway, uggg. I ate something tonight that has made me flush. So I feel kinda sickly right now. My cheeks are on FIRE. I don't know why, my dad says its MSN or MSG or additive. UGG I feel hot.

Oh well, my Ma was saying I shouldn't try for the Indy job. That would mean me moving and being INDEPENDENT. Oh so sorry, staying at a part time NO benefit shit paying job while I work my ASS off while I live at HOME is better. NOT. I don't know, my life right now kinda sucks. I mean I'm graduating, but now what!? I can't find a GOOD job, I mean shit what NOW? I'm so very unhappy a lot of the time. Everyone pisses me off and I tell them why and they don't change at all. People just perpetuate and perpetuate all the fucking time. I'm like just please change.

posted by Jennifer @ 9:51 p.m. on 2001-12-07
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