Artificial Intelligence

>>> Tired Jen

Annoyance of the Day: Old dudes giving me their digits
Listening to: Michael Feinstein 'Will you Remember me?"
Feeling: Sea sick, dizzy, headachy, tired.

I don't know what the fuck happend to the graphics on my page.

Damn it. I don't update and it all goes to pot, how can this be?

Well anyway, I'm still busy as hell and tired and right now I'm sea sick, so this is just a little hello.

I did my shit, hell wet drill and was humilated beyond believe. Hi. I'm fat.

And everyday I fuck up cause I don't know what I'm doing and everyone assumes that I do and know when all the shows are and where people are and all that stuff.

I just want to go home and lay in bed with the sheets over my head for a week.

Last night, to put the icing on my fat ass cake, this Bahama's dude fucking hits on me, it's like in his 40's -50's and creepy and icky and I can't even understand his accent. Jesus, I wanted to die.

Ug, sorry to be so bleak, I'm just tired of being yelled at everyday, I feel like I can't do ANYTHING right. It feels like everyone is like ... Well she's no ____ (Insert trainers name here) ....

It's not a good feeling. My new roomie was like..."I keep asking myself why I left again?"

Me too.

posted by Jennifer @ 8:18 p.m. on 2004-02-08
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